30 day challenge- the end of the facebook fast

today is september 1 and my 30 day facebook fast is officially over. it gives me a tinge of anxiety to even think about logging in. i don't miss it. really.i know i have missed things.i know when i open that account i am going to have missed out on events, meetups, happy hours, networking … Continue reading 30 day challenge- the end of the facebook fast

{simplify} prepare to sell

in january i cleaned out my closet and told you all about how we were going to get ready to sell the house. since then we have made some pretty major progress on the house, of course with help from our friends. {thank you friends!} the mister set a deadline for the end of the … Continue reading {simplify} prepare to sell

one time…

i opened a prana catalog, got my first taste of Mary Oliver and decided that it was time for something different. and the adventure started. i quit my job, moved to arkansas from kansas city with the man and the mutts and we took it from there. the woman who lives in the woods is … Continue reading one time…